Never really shown people what I carry around with me in my super huge handbag. So I thought I'd let you all in on my secret.
These are pretty much all the things I literally NEED in my bag to survive the day. I always have some form of diet coke/Pepsi in my bag as I think I have a slight addiction to them. My purse (of course) for all that money I (don't) have. My trusty notebook where I jot EVERYTHING down from blog ideas to appointments. My mobile phone. I think I would die if this was left somewhere. Car keys, I wouldn't be able to go anywhere without these. I rely too much on my car.
A bit of liptstick and my powder (just for little touch ups through the day). My body spray. I have to say this is the best body spray I've found. It's Pure Devotion and is from New Look. You can buy the body spray and parfume for £9.99 in stores. Bit of a bargain if you ask me. Sunglasses. Bit optimistic I know but hey-hoy. This is why, ladies, my bag is so huge. I do also carry my camera around with me all the time but I took the photo with it sooooo you get the idea.
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